For a fuller, more robust experience of The Compassion Project, be sure to download the free app from the app store on your mobile phone. Look for thecompassionprojectmiami in the search bar. The app has personal recordings of some of the women you will see in the exhibit. Each woman chose the topic she wanted to speak about and share with the viewer.
The app's highlights include a curriculum guide for teachers and visitors to learn before the visit and discussion points for more in-depth study into women and incarceration. The app has beacon technology and will automatically populate recorded interviews of seven of the women as you approach their portraits. You can hear what each of these women specifically wants to share with visitors.
The app also has links to all the artists in the exhibition, learning resources and actions you can personally take, if so moved, to help make a difference.
(App requires Bluetooth on, volume on and allow location services while visiting the museum.)